Yes, that's right. We are moving again. Here's the abbreviated version of the story...
On Wednesday, when the kids and I were in town for Activity Days and Scouts, John called and told me he had been "let go." It came as a shock because all day long, Fred, the Oklahoma City boss, who was visiting, kept calling John to tell him what a great job he had done on getting things lined up for harvest and on getting the farm cleaned up. John said he'd gotten about 10 calls that day. Also, just minutes before he was "let go", Fred told John some things that he wanted John and Brian (the other manager) to do after harvest was over.... and then Fred fired John. The official reason? Someone mis-calculated the amount of herbicide to spray on the potato vines. The funny (haha???) thing is that it has NEVER been John's job to calculate the chemical to be sprayed. That's always been Brian's job. Brian calculated the mix, passed the paper to John. John gave it to Rodney. Rodney mixed as it was written and sprayed. The potato vines died, no potatoes were hurt in the process. John found out about it two weeks later, on the day he was "let go." The real reason??? Fred needed to cover his backside in case one of the Connecticut or New York owners had a problem. Fred used John as the fall guy. (Incidentally, John was the third manager to be "let go" in four weeks, the fourth manager in six months.)
In case you are wondering, we were shocked and surprised on Wednesday. Thursday morning Heavenly Father showed us again and again how much He knows us and how much He loves us. On Thursday morning, John talked to the recruiter who brought us here. By Friday afternoon John had a very good phone interview and will be headed to Plains, Kansas, (30 miles north of Liberal, Kansas) for a face-to-face interview. We'll see how it goes.
This morning John said that he felt like he should be more devastated than he was. Even though we absolutely love North Platte and the friends we have made here, neither of us has been too sad about this. We are fine. And we have hope.
(So even though I haven't caught up on the blog, it's going back on hold while I pack again. Thank goodness I never really felt like I should completely unpack. It's proved to be a blessing.)
Hosting an 80's party!
10 years ago