Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our Cute Little Pixie!

We went to the salon to have Leslie's hair fixed.  She sat soooooo still.
The hairdresser just evened it up as best she could.

But, in all honesty, she looks just like her older brothers did at that age.

So Leslie will be wearing headbands and big flowers for the next few years!

All I can say is that I am thankful that her hair will grow back.  It's not like she did any permanent damage.  We can laugh at it and tease her about it.  (Leslie HATES that we have called her a cute little boy.  She always corrects us and tells us she has boy hair.)

I'm done with the pictures, Mom!

(As I was writing this, Christopher came up and pointed to the picture on the screen and asked, "Is that me?"  When I said, "no", he said, "Is that John?"  Yep, the laughs keep coming!)


Jennilee said...

it totally does look just like tuffers!! oh man!! but like you said she didn't hurt herself, an it will grow back!! i can't believe it though!! lol

Lina said...

oh my goodness! She is cute! What a busy little girl! We'll be watching for growth!